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Diamond Double D Farms
Jo & Mike Deal
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Sire Skeezixs Maryson 1996 Palomino Stallion Trained Cutting Horse SIRE of: AQHA performance point earner; 2004 Palomino World Show top 5 in Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; Barrel Prospects |
Sire Smart Little Skeezix AQHA Sorrel NCHA earner- $30,677.23 SIRE of AQHA performance point earners- 37 Performance Wins; 101.5 Performance Points; 3 Performance ROMs; AQHA World Championship Show $1,141.61; NCHA earners-$1,229.83. |
Sire Smart Little Lena AQHA Sorrel The First NCHA Triple Crown Winner; 2nd All-time Leading Money Earning Cutting Horse with LTE of $743,175. 1982 NCHA Futurity 3-yr-old Open Champion; 1983 NCHA Derby 4-yr-old Open Co-champion; 1983 NCHA Super Stakes Open Champion; 1983 Bonanza Cutting 4-yr-old Champion; 1984 Masters Cutting Open Champion. All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Horses with offspring earnings in excess of $27.9 million. SIRE of 1026 performing offspring: NRHA-$523,568.11;AQHA World Championship Show-$145,803.58; NCHA-$24,391,453.19; NRCHA-$302,448.37; Palomino Horse Breeders Perf Points 25.0; Performance Points-6,120.0; 142 Performance ROMs; 19 World Championships. |
Sire Doc O’Lena AQHA Bay 1970 NCHA Futurity Champion-Won ALL 3 Futurity Go-Arounds NCHA $21,991. NCHA Leading Sire Performance Point Earner. SIRE of performing offspring: World Champions; Hall of Fame; NRHA- $322,414;NCHA-$14,798,403; Working Cow Horse -$68,196; NRCHA- $64,563;AQHA Offspring Record-Performance Points Earned- 6,604 |
Dam Smart Peppy AQHA Sorrel NCHA $515.80; 7 AQHA Cutting Points; Performance- 9 points. DAM of: NRHA earners-$7,163 ; NCHA earners-$856,635; ROM Performance Offspring ;Performance Point Earners-74 points |
Dam Freckles Cowboy AQHA Sorrel Dam of NCHA money earners |
Sire Colonel Freckles AQHA Sorrel NCHA Earnings: $46,305; Performance Point Earner SIRE of:World Champion & Reserve World Champion Offspring; Reserve Superior Performance Offspring; NRHAearners-$123,229; NCHA earners-$4,410,038; Working Cow Horse Money-earners; NRCHA Money-earners; Performance Point Earners-total points 2,696.5 |
Dam Cowboys Tuttie AQHA Brown Dam of 9 Foals |
Dam Docovegas Mary AQHA Dun Dam of 6 foals, one was Performer |
Sire Doc O Vegas Boy AQHA Bay NCHA earnings of $2,516.00. Grandsire of Performers: 2 Race Winners; Total Race Earnings $40,240; Performance Points Earners- 318.5 ; 0.5 Halter Points; Performance ROM; 2 Performance Superior Awards; 1 Reserve World Championship; 1 Reserve Grand Championship; 1 All Around Championship. AQHA World Championship Show $4,142.49; NCHA earners-$52,740.91; NRCH earners-$550.00. |
Sire Doc O’Lena AQHA Bay 1970 NCHA Futurity Champion-Won ALL 3 Futurity Go-Arounds NCHA $21,991. NCHA Leading Sire Performance Point Earner. SIRE of performing offspring: World Champions; Hall of Fame; NRHA- $322,414;NCHA-$14,798,403; Working Cow Horse -$68,196; NRCHA- $64,563;AQHA Offspring Record-Performance Points Earned- 6,604 |
Dam Vegas Model AQHA Bay Dam of 5 Performers, with earning performance points and NCHA money earners. |
Dam Vegas Amy AQHA Sorrel Dam of 7 Foals of which one was a Performer |
Sire Bucks Pedro AQHA Dun Performance ROM (1963-Open);Earned 7 Performance; 1 Performance ROM; NCHA earnings of $533.08. Grandsire of Performers: 29 Performance Points; 1 Performance ROM; Other Earnings: NCHA earners of $6,928.72. |
Dam Vegas Model AQHA Bay Dam of 5 Performers, with earning performance points and NCHA money earners. |
Dam Little Dandy Canudo AQHA Gray DAM of: Cutting Horse Offspring |
Sire Monte Prescription AQHA Sorrel SIRE OF: 2003 National Year End High Point Top 5 in Barrels, Poles, & Stakes 2003 AQHYA World-Barrels top 20, Poles 3rd place, and Stakes 5th place 2002 Performance ROM, 2002 National Year End High Point in Poles 6th place 2002 AQHYA World-8th place in poles and stakes 2002 Ohio Congress 5th place in Poles 2002 Houston Livestock Show Reserve Champion in Barrels Also 2002 and 2003 Champion and Reserve Champion placings in LQHA in Barrels, Poles and Stakes Has won 4 saddles and 4 buckles in Open shows |
Sire Doc's Prescription AQHA Bay Halter-9 pts;Performance-16 pts, AQHA Champion, ROM Arena, NCHA Money Earner, AQHA Leading Performance Sires List, SIRE of 2 World Champion Cutting Horses, 34 Superior Performance Horses; 8,588.5 Performance Points; NCHA money earners-$2,437,634; NRHA-$2,449.11; NSBA-$6,324.74; NRCHA-$6,120.72; PHBA Perf Points 422.0; International Buckskin Perf Points 76.0. . |
Dam Montecello AQHA Sorrel DAM OF: AQHA Open Show Offspring |
Dam Miss Calypso Canudo AQHA Gray Half sister to 2 performers including DOC DORSETT (NCHA $31,929); CANUDO REY (NCHA $274.37 2 AQHA performance points), DAM OF: ROM Performance, NCHA $ Earning Offspring |
Sire Handle Bar Doc AQHA Gray Performance – 45 Performance pts, NCHA Hall of Fame, NCHA $164,133.26, COA, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, World Champion, Top Ten World Show, AQHA High Point Performance Horse, ROM Performance, SIRE OF: ROM Performance, Superior Performance, AQHA High Point Performance, NRHA Money-earners-$1,000.07, NCHA Money-earners-NCHA $1,581,324; WCHA Money-earners, NRCHA Money-earners-$8142.28, Performance Point Earning Offspring-806.5 perf points |
Dam Calypso Canudo AQHA Sorrel DAM OF: NCHA Money Earners$32,000, NCHA Cutting Futurity, Performance Point Earning Offspring |
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